10 Creative Website Design Ideas For Small Businesses In 2020
Small businesses need to stand out. Getting started in any niche is hard when there are already more prominent players; that's why having a website that distinguishes you from the rest is vital. Let's face it, everyone has a website, from your local mom n' pop shop to your mini-influencer.
It's your digital real estate on the internet to help you connect and reach new clients. A website is a cost-efficient marketing tool that focuses on YOU and the content you want to focus on. It will also help people get to know your brand better without you having to exert much effort.
If you don't have a website yet or want to start one, we want to share 10 Creative Website Design Ideas For Small Businesses In 2020. You don't need anything too fancy to get started. It would help if you had a little push in the right direction.
Would you go through a website full of text and slideshow photos or a creative and engaging page that entertains and informs? Audiences love consuming content quickly while being presented with your product and information. Information from SEMRush suggests that website users' attention span last only eight (8) seconds.
Within that period, users can get distracted or click off for several reasons, such as it takes too long for the website to load or it might be hard to navigate. By engaging your audience efficiently with fun illustrations or designs, you can hold their attention longer, and visiting your website won't seem like such a chore.
Everyone is on their phone. You might even be reading this from your phone. A website has to be mobile-friendly to increase your reach and to be accessible everywhere. Your website needs to be able to look good on both the PC and mobile.
Google released a statement back in 2015 that they use mobile-friendly sites as a ranking signal. If you're unsure about making your site mobile-friendly, you can continuously tap a design company that can make this step much easier for you.
In a way, this situation is two-pronged. You need to rank first on search results when customers look for your niche, and your potential clients need a website compatible with their mobile devices.
Phones are here to stay, becoming increasingly ingrained in our lives, from contacting loved ones to online shopping. A profitable business knows that this form of marketing is essential.
The human brain is programmed to understand stories. One example of a website that knows how to sell its product and tell a story is Bagigia.
They sell bags in a way that showcases their best product, then gives you a history of the designer and makes it fun while you scroll down, having a navigation bar that looks like a zipper.
This is an example of what a website that tells a story looks like. You don't have to say an actual once-upon-a-time account; you only have to structure the content into a story-like format.
This will keep readers engaged, making your content easier to digest. You can find more examples of story-telling websites here. The best one would have to be the one by GoSquared, which tells the story of the Olympic games.
Visitors looking at your website want a solution to their problems. Whatever it may be, they're there to see how you can help them, even if the website's content is all about you and your product. That's why utilizing clear and quality content copy is what you should focus on.
Customers want to know the benefits of how you can help them rather than just only learning about your product or service. It's also important to note that some websites try to fit in as much "below the fold" when they should only include "key" features, which doesn't have to be all.
Yes, we know you've got a unique brand or company with all these fantastic features….but the thing is, not everyone will take the time to read it all. For example, Campos Coffee (no relation to the author of this post ) focuses on their product and how their customer would feel if they bought from them.
Tapping into emotions is a critical factor in keeping your audience's attention. In his book, Designing for Emotion, Aaron Walter wrote about how vital the emotional experience is because they have a unique imprint on your long-term memory and how users want to experience a human, not machine, connection on the other end.
Never underestimate the power of critical features and an emotional connection when writing content for your website.
One of the most underrated techniques for getting onto the first page of Google search rankings is video. Having a video lets you get your message out to prospects faster, and it's easier to "digest" than reading blocks of text. A study by Biteable concluded that 6 out of 10 people would rather watch online videos than television.
You can hire a design team to create a short video with your company's key points. Something fun and creative that catches the eye will increase your site's engagement. 92% of marketers consider this an essential tool.
Think of it as a way for your prospects to understand your company or product better and for you to quickly get your message across. However, as pointed out by Rocketspark, there is a time and place where the video is needed. Make it too long, and people won't click on it. Just like reading, a video requires a certain amount of time commitment.
There are different kinds of videos, like the introductory kind, the customer testimonial, and the instructions. A design company can help you decide what goes best on your website if you're unsure.
Fonts and their sizes may seem like a no-brainer, but it's one of the essential parts of your website. Your website should balance at least two to three fonts in different sizing so that you can highlight what's important and so your viewers can navigate your pages easily. If everything is the same size and font, your viewer may get lost in blocks of the exact text.
You can distinguish what is essential and content when using varying-sized fonts. Neil Patel does a great job of making an example of a font and a typeface. Yes, there's a difference. An example of a website that uses this technique is the blog itself. However, a designer will be able to tell the difference and can work with you on this.
It's important to note that there is a difference between typography and font. The thing about saying 'font' and 'typeface' is that they can be used interchangeably, but if a designer or anyone else asks for specifics, it's good to know the difference. Check out Google Fonts; they have a great selection of typefaces or 'fonts' that you can use for your website.
Your chosen typeface will have a significant impact on your website. It needs to be easy to read and understood by everyone. If you have a particular fondness for a typeface, but it's unreadable to everyone except you, then only you enjoy it. We recommend browsing through Sans Serif. Most notable websites generally use this.
The point of a website is to market yourself, yes. But it has to be about catering to the needs you can fulfill for your customers, and it needs to be understood easily; that can't be done if no one else will have the patience to read through rows and rows of a curvy or too compact typeface.
Now isn't this fun to read through?
Did you know that colors can increase your brand recognition by up to 80%? Choosing your website's colors will create consistency and recognition that will immediately have people remembering you.
A lot goes into choosing the right color for your website. Colors are more than just a feature to make your website pop and stand out. They can have an emotional effect and varied meanings depending on culture, personal history, and preferences, and you can't forget to think about those who are colorblind. Everyone has a different way of interpreting the color palette they like.
Now, this seemingly minute detail can immensely impact your brand or business. Forbes has a small list of which colors affect which emotions can go with your brand or logo.
Don't forget color consistency is critical to keeping it clean and pleasing to the eye.
An essential part of SEO is knowing how to structure your website to rank in Google's search engines. The structure is pretty self-explanatory too. Like this:
Yoast can teach you website structure if you're having difficulty learning or can't figure out what to do. Another option is to hire a design team to give you some pointers. Put, website structure organizes everything related to your website, business, or product. This way, it'll be easier for Google to scan and manage your website where it should go on search engines.
It isn't all about Google but also the user experience. Think of it like this; you want a site that can be understood for its content and enjoyed because it's easy on the eyes. If your site isn't structured well, users will have difficulty navigating where they want to go and may click off. Luckily, Yoast has more explanations about how and why structure is essential.
BRIGHTSAND designs is a full-service digital marketing agency that intends to help you get started on scaling your business! We have more information in our blog post if you're looking for additional information on whether the website's effectiveness you've just created works. There's a lot to learn now that everything has gone digital, and we can help you with that.
Website Developer Email Scam (Check Payment)
Being a web developer with over 15+ years of experience, I would know a scam email when I see one. We recently received a “unique” email from an unusual prospect.
You should know that these emails we received were sent from two different emails and on other days. Both emails were requesting our web development services. Usually, this would not faze us at all, as we do get inquiries on a day-to-day basis. So what is their tell?
They insisted on giving us a down payment without asking questions about our contract.
Do you know any prospect who willingly sends you any payment without even asking for your portfolio or trying to set a meeting with you? We didn’t think so.
After a quick Google search, we found that this is a popular scheme. Countless forum threads dating even back to 2017 have reported receiving similar emails.
As it turns out, this scam is called Third Party Payout Scam, Payment Reversal Scam, Advance Fee Scam, or Overpayment Scam. Let us break down how this scheme goes.
- The “prospect” sends you a check for a more considerable amount than you’ve agreed upon
- The “prospect” then asks you to pay the overpayment to his consultant
- The actual owner of the check disputes the transaction and gets it reversed
- You end up transferring money to the consultant from your pocket
How to Recognize That You’ve Received a Scam Email
- The usual tell is the astounding lack of use of punctuation marks in the email. It’s as if they tried to brief you all in the same breath
- The prospect requests a simple web design job. The ones we’ve gotten asked for were restaurant websites. Both emails we’ve received even provided links to their ideal design
- The prospect discloses a generous bracket of the budget in the first email
- The candidate said that a consultant would share all content and images
- The opportunity then offers an upfront payment before closing anything with a contract or delivery dates (this might sound so ideal, especially when you’re in a pinch, but never in our whole experience, nor personally, would I give a payment without going through terms first and foremost.)
- The prospect would then ask for payment via check because he has experienced issues paying via PayPal etc.
Now that we’ve given you the breakdown of this scheme, we did a little experiment. We wanted to find out how will this conversation end.
The Scheme – Emails we’ve received
From: James Aldean <jamesaldean@gmail.com>;
Thanks for your quick response,Here is the job details below…
I just open a new Indian Restaurant which i run now and i need a
website for my business to grow, So i need you to go through this
example link www.incognitothemes.com/arcon/ .but i need something more perfect than this if possible, I will like you to get back to me with
an estimate and the estimate should include hosting and i want you to
understand i want the same page as the example site i gave you to
check and I want only English language and i want you to know you will be updating the site for me. I want the site up and running before
ending of next month and i don’t want a shopping cart in my
reservation page also i don’t have a domain name yet and i will
prefer: KAITINDRESTAURANT.COM, My budget is $750/$1,500 for the web design, i have a private project consultant, she has the text content and the logos for the site with the image artwork,so please go ahead and check the example site and get back to me with an estimate also will like to know if you are the owner or the manager and do you
accept credit card or check as payment.
Sounds harmless right? But do you see what we mean about the high disregard of punctuation marks?
From: Martin Daniel <martindaniel1504@gmail.com>
Thanks for your swift response.
I need you to design my website with the following requirement ;1. PAGES
2.And should include hosting price , no shopping cart is needed .
3. Go through the
example link site:
https://websitedemos.net/restaurant-04Please i want it to be perfect than this SAMPLE LINK, if theres any
other functionality to be added kindly do that for me4,Are you the manager ?
NOTE;Domain name,Text content,Logos and artwork is already available
Get back to me with the total estimate and days to spend on the
project for delivery ….Thanks
Budget $700-$1500
After receiving the email, we checked the websites he referred to and gave him our proposal based on his initial brief.
From: James Aldean <jamesaldean@gmail.com>
Thanks for the response back, I want you to know that i’m okay with the
estimate cost and will be glad to give you the opportunity to do the
job for me. I hope I will get a perfect job from you and I would have
preferred to pay you by pay pal or credit card machine but I was warn
by my bank not to use my card on pay pal or any other merchant again
because they double remit my account twice in the past and I don’t
want to go against my bank warning. I will gladly mail out the payment
to you by check. I am located in USA and it does not matter the
Country you are provided you assured me a good and quality job. I need your name and address or your representative name and address in USA to send the payment to so that i can make an upfront payment and youcan proceed on my web design. I also understand you will need the text
content with the logo and other document files to start work on my web
design asap as you know the document files are with my project
consultant and she will have them send to you via email… Thank you.
Now, the following emails are where we started getting even more suspicious.
From: James Aldean <jamesaldean@gmail.com>
I am located in USA.I always prefer to deal with Check
Contact your relative or business representative in USA that
can help you receive the payment. I just need the name and address of
that person with cell phone number and I will send the check to
him/her. The check will cleared in the account within 24 hrs. Then he/she will transfer the
money to you and get started.Just send me the name and address of
your represntative in USA, I need the name to be on the check and the
address to courier the check to. Please get back to me as soon as
possible. I am just interested in given the job to you.Thank you
At this rate, this prospect is still technically a stranger to us, and while we do have an office address in the US, which was funny enough, on our website, we now are more skeptical about divulging that information.
From: Martin Daniel <martindaniel1504@gmail.com>
thanks for getting back to us , we are dealing with check on payment
methods within USA , Do you have a representative or relative/friend
that can help you receive pay check within USA ?
Why are they looking for a representative/relative’s address and not the typical office address? And a check to be delivered to us within 24 hours? Without even having to discuss more specifics, of course, we would love to get paid right away. But this doesn’t sit right with us, given that we’re all currently working outside the US.
After receiving this, we tried scheduling a discovery call multiple times to clarify details and make everything formal. We also followed up on our contract too. However, they insisted on sending us the payment and settling the agreement later, saying that his consultant would get back to us with it. So naturally, our reply was to ask for his consultant’s email so we could also send the request to him. His reply?
From: James Aldean <jamesaldean@gmail.com>
Kindly get back to me with your relative details to mail out the cheque now
Again with the obsession with our relative, friend, or representative’s information!
From: Martin Daniel <martindaniel1504@gmail.com>
Kindly contact a representative or relative/friend who lived in USA ,
TO HELP you receive the payment by check …
Full Name
ADDRESS ( To make the payment and start the project)
NOTE;The payment will deliver in 24hours .
At this time, we honestly couldn’t help but laugh. We’ve been duped! Seriously? A prospect insisting on paying you is not only unreal but also too good to be trustworthy. It cannot be that easy.
Our conversation continued with us following up for a meeting, and he insisted on having us send our address and other details so he could send us the payment ASAP.
From: James Aldean <jamesaldean@gmail.com>
Kindly get back to me with your relative full name and address with cell phone number to mail the check
Moral of the Story
In a time when we are experiencing a declining number of jobs and opportunities, receiving what seems to be a “great opportunity,” which turned out to be nothing but a scam, is despicable and cruel. We cannot allow ourselves to stand by and watch as others from our community are being taken advantage of.
These perpetrators are rampant in online job platforms like Freelancer & Upwork, where most independent web developers are.
So please, if you have standard protocols in place, follow them. Get a signed contract before any monetary transaction is to be made. We would probably be duped if we didn’t insist on securing a contract. Despite this, getting tricked into this new developing scheme is relatively easy.
Keep your eyes open, and always ask for more details and information from your prospects. Again, stick to your SOP! We hope that this will help someone to save their time and effort.
Did anyone else experience this? Feel free to share any examples of scam emails in the comment section below to help out other web development companies, digital marketing businesses, or any businesses.
BRIGHTSAND designs team is with you during this difficult time.
Why Is It Crucial To Redesign Branding For Your Business
A brand is more than just a logo. Your brand is an outward projection of what your customers think you do and how you make them feel. People tend to view a brand as a stamped design on the side of a product, but it's so much more than that.
Make it Make Sense.
Redesigning your logo is a restructuring of your current brand. The brand should tell a story about your values. If that story has or needs to change, you might want to consider a revamp. This can happen due to companies merging or the current brand no longer retaining the spirit it once had.
By redesigning your brand, you can update how your company looks. It's like holding up a mirror. Your brand is what you want to be reflected in when people see you. That said, is the current mirror image of your brand what you've been wanting to see?
Grow and Glow
Having a solid brand is one of your most significant assets! Your company should constantly be growing and building long-lasting customer relationships. When you redesign your brand, this gives your company a new voice. However, the tone of your brand should remain consistent with your mission and values. You want to bring your company into the future and not stay jaded.
You're redeveloping a strategy to achieve your business goals by updating your branding. When you evaluate where you currently are and where you want to go, working with the right marketing agency can help you reach your destination faster.
Depending on the type of business industry you're in, we recommend that existing businesses consider redesigning their brand should they encounter a gap between what their brand stands for and what their logo represents.
Businesses must be able to not only identify themselves accurately but also be able to significantly put their best foot forward with just the initial contact.
Why is change a good thing? Because it's necessary and one that is inevitable. The current economic shift and people's lives have changed dramatically. Recognizing the changing times, studying new trends, and adjusting your business accordingly is essential. Our goal is not to let your business get left behind during these crucial times.
BRIGHTSAND Designs can help you with this and more to promote your brand at a level that could bring you a new audience and keep your current customers' loyalty through strategic and practical solutions.
Brightsand Designs: Reaching Milestones
Without a doubt, Eleanor Roosevelt's wisdom echoes true: "Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
The inception of BRIGHTSAND Designs, much like the birth of any enterprise, was seeded in a dream, nurtured by hope, and driven by unwavering faith. My partner and I embarked on this journey just months before the pandemic cast its somber shadow. While doubts and setbacks began to creep in, we clung steadfastly to our strategy, for we held a resolute belief that the present moment was ripe for businesses to recognize the paramount importance of our service – Digital Marketing.
Even before the world underwent this transformative shift, the Internet had its place but was not fully harnessed. It served as an arena for entertainment, social media escapades, viral YouTube videos, and personal video calls. However, as the tides of global change swept over us, it was the businesses equipped with online platforms that radiated with resilience. Amidst this upheaval, an avenue of possibilities emerged for entrepreneurs across diverse industries – a chance to thrive, expand, and flourish online, transcending the confines of brick-and-mortar establishments. Regrettably, it took a health crisis to awaken our collective realization of this immense potential.
Personally, I witnessed the growing urgency. With each passing day, my phone buzzed incessantly, each call seeking advice on how to steer businesses through these tumultuous waters. Reflecting on our humble beginnings, we started with just two clients. Yet, almost inexplicably, our clientele burgeoned to six before the first month's end. Sharing this isn't an exercise in self-congratulation; it's a testament to the power of courage and determination. While empathy flows deeply for the struggling enterprises of today, I believe that fostering hope is equally imperative. The terrain may be rocky, but the summit is attainable when bolstered by courage and unwavering resolve.
Our timing, it seems, was serendipitous. The crucible of experience my partner and I endured has imparted invaluable lessons. Engaging with clients spanning various sectors, listening to their narratives, and crafting tailored solutions have catalyzed our own evolution. Had we hesitated or faltered in our resolve, every moment squandered would have been more than a loss; it would have been an opportunity forsaken for us and those we serve. Armed with our expertise, we have been catalysts in elevating our clients' businesses. Our efforts have been focused on restoring their voices, guiding them to embrace the digital realm's ever-evolving landscape, and adapting to the paradigm shift we now know as the 'new normal.'
Today, I stand at a juncture marked by profound pride. Guided by a dedicated and indefatigable team, we have crossed our inaugural milestone! As we embarked on this venture, my partner and I, brimming with hope, aspired to someday touch the realm of six figures. Remarkably, within a month, we achieved this milestone. In the process, we welcomed new clients and team members who have sculpted BRIGHTSAND Designs into what it embodies today – a dynamic, evolving entity that surpasses our initial aspirations.
So, what lies ahead for BRIGHTSAND Designs, you may wonder? Having etched this milestone into our narrative, my aspiration is for our enterprise to burgeon further, generating new employment avenues for fellow professionals in our field. We've discerned that services like ours hold profound significance when the world encounters impasses. Our mission now extends beyond growth to embracing the role of a conduit for others, facilitating seamless adaptation for fellow businesses. As our entity expands, new opportunities shall emerge, not only for us but for the communities we touch.
One poignant email from an applicant resonates deeply. She expressed how her mere application with us instilled hope – a reminder that despite the crisis, avenues of possibility remain. Looking back, her words illuminate the impact we're sowing within our community during these trying times.
In essence, amidst uncertainties that slam doors shut for many, we aspire for BRIGHTSAND Designs to stand as a beacon, continually prying open windows of opportunity – for prospective team members and fellow enterprises alike.
So, let's raise our glasses to courage! Here's to two resounding cheers for BRIGHTSAND Designs! The future, indeed, shines bright.
Importance of Taking Your Business Online Today
Consider Online Traffic
As COVID-19 continues to reshape the global landscape, it’s essential for every business, no matter how big or small, to be prepared for the present and future. Under such unfortunate circumstances, having a good website capable of handling and supporting online sales and establishing your online presence has never been more relevant today.
Why Refresh Your Brand and Get Online?
We have enumerated a few reasons to refresh your brand and get your business online to prepare for situations like this. With a website with e-commerce capabilities, you can expect your business to show no signs of slowing down — despite the crisis.
Consider Online Traffic
Typically, people would head to stores, stock up on needed supplies, make purchases, then call it a day. Since we’re all under quarantine, foot traffic would be nearly impossible in this climate. Although foot traffic has tremendously decreased, online traffic should increase. The most logical solution is to adapt to this new ‘wave’ by setting up a website with the necessary capabilities your business needs to start operating again.
Maintaining Momentum
An excellent online presence and e-commerce site will allow you to keep your business up and running and maintain relevant relationships with your loyal customers so they do not forget about you. A bonus? Your company acquires a newfound ability to reach more customers. Don’t just hope for the best; keep your business momentum going.
So you have your social media page set up. That should be the end of the line. Wrong. Although social media can be great for having an outlet for new customers to verify your business credibility through your existing following, having an e-commerce website increases your accessibility.
Suppose your business used to face challenges in competing with global competitors. In that case, you’ll have a leg up on the big box competition by providing products and materials locally instead from overseas suppliers. But without having an e-commerce website to sell your product, it won’t matter how much supply you have.
The Impact of Having a Good Website
Simply getting your business online and having a good website will help your business have a fighting chance of flourishing despite the predicament we’re currently in. COVID-19 wouldn’t be the first crisis to keep people from leaving their homes, and it certainly won’t be the last. It is essential that if such a situation happens again, you won’t have to brace yourself and your business for the full impact.
How BRIGHTSAND Designs Can Help
No matter where you are currently in your business, at BRIGHTSAND Designs, we make it our mission to make your business’ online transition easy and possible. From starting a new e-commerce design or simply refreshing your current one, we will provide the best strategy to fit best and benefit your business long-term.
Adapting to this new economic shift may have brought us new challenges in operating our business, but maintaining a business despite it is not impossible. The right mindset should be to “think physical distancing, not social distancing.”
With our expertise in web design, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing strategies, we can guide your business through this transformative journey. To learn more about how we can help you establish a strong online presence and navigate the digital landscape, visit our What We Do page. Embrace the potential of the digital era and ensure your business's success in the ever-evolving world.
The Dynamic Duo: Unveiling the Synergy Between Marketing and Sales
Imagine stepping into a bustling arena, anticipation hanging in the air. In one corner, adorned in vibrant blue, stands Marketing. In the opposite corner, equally resolute, is Sales. It's a battle, but not against each other. Instead, it's a collaboration, a powerful partnership with the same endgame: propelling your business to the pinnacle of success.
The Tale of Two Titans
At first glance, Marketing and Sales might seem like siblings, closely related yet distinct. They're not one and the same, but their intertwined efforts yield the ultimate victory: business growth and relevance.
Picture this: Marketing is the magician who conjures intrigue, shaping perceptions and beckoning prospects to the stage. Sales, on the other hand, is the charming diplomat, skilled in forging connections and turning curious onlookers into lifelong partners.
A Symphony of Collaboration
Marketing crafts the grand overture, using meticulous research and creativity to captivate a wide audience. The symphony includes:
- Web Development
- Content Creation
- Campaigns
- Analytics Mastery
- Market Insights
- Strategic Advertising
- Social Media Enchantment
- Partnership Alchemy
Think of Marketing as the invitation, reaching out to potential patrons and laying the foundation for brand familiarity.
Unveiling the Cloak of Sales
And then comes Sales, the enchanting enigma, engaging in a more personalized discourse. They:
- Connect via Calls and Online Conversations
- Meet Face-to-Face or Virtually
- Cultivate Lifelong Relationships
- Nurture, Negotiate, and Seal Deals
Sales is the showstopper, delivering the closing act that transforms interest into action.
The Climactic Collaboration
While distinct, Marketing and Sales unite under a common banner: conversion. Marketing paints the grand picture, inviting all to behold. Sales steps forward, addressing individual desires and compelling them to commit.
It's not a clash but a harmony, not a rivalry but a partnership. Together, they orchestrate the grand crescendo of business success.
So, remember, Marketing and Sales are the ultimate tag-team partners, each playing a unique role in your business's saga. As the curtain rises on your business's journey, ensure this dynamic duo takes center stage, setting the scene for triumph and prosperity.
At Brightsand Designs, we specialize in harnessing the power of Marketing and Sales to elevate your business to new heights. Discover how our strategic approach can pave the way for your success. Learn more about our process here.
Four Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress to Build Your Website
If you find yourself wondering, “Why should I use WordPress?” “Why can’t I just use the drag-and-drop builder platforms?” “Isn’t WordPress a blogging platform?”. In this article, we discuss the four primary reasons why it is the number one website-building interface and how using this platform to build your website will cost you much lesser should you choose to do so.
WordPress is the most popular open source Content Management System (CMS). Used by more than 53% of the websites, which are approximately 28 million live websites. An outstanding number if you think about it. There’s a reason why all those sites chose WordPress.
The Simplicity of the WordPress Dashboard
The main reason why WordPress is so popular is that it meets the demands of many users in terms of flexibility. It has a user-friendly interface that is designed for non-tech-savvy users. Once installed, you can get started right away by adding pages and posts on your site.
WordPress has a massive support ecosystem for anything and everything related to WordPress, like tutorials and even a dedicated support forum. This means that not only do you maintain complete control over your site, but you also receive great support.
However, don’t get confused when you find 2 types of WordPress websites. WordPress.com is a blog hosting solution. You’ll use this if you don’t have a domain and just want a blog. The downside is the features are limited. WordPress.org, however, is a self-hosted platform. This is what you will need if you want your own domain and hosting. This is where you can build your website on.
WordPress is Versatile
It can be used in many different ways, here’s a list of the limitless types of websites you can build with it:
- Blog or personal websites
- Business websites
- E-commerce sites
- Membership sites
- Business directory
- News portal
- Social network
- Job board
- Portfolio
- Forum/Community
- Auction & coupon sites
- Wiki/Knowledgebase sites
- Affiliate sites
- e-Learning sites
And the list goes on. All of which are easily achieved with plugins and themes. So, for instance, if you want to make an e-commerce platform for your business, you simply install an e-commerce plugin, like WooCommerce, and install a theme to make it look nice.
You are also able to customize the look and feel of your website should you want to further work on the theme you like, which is not possible for other web platforms. Other drag-and-drop websites may promise a customizable website, but it is still limited to the available theme found on their website. Moreover, it comes with a hefty subscription bill which will cost you more in the long run.
When it comes to adding features and functionality to your site, you’ll most likely be going to need a plugin for it. There are more than 55,000 plugins out there. This massive ecosystem of plugins beats out all of the other content management systems. Those are just the official extensions from its directory. There are still more than that offered by third parties.
It’s Free and Open-Source
WordPress is an open-source software that has been around since 2003. It’s free for everyone to download.
First, you’ll need to purchase a domain name and web hosting.
All you have to do is easily download it from the WordPress.org website. Once done, you can then upload on to your hosting and use it to create your very own website. Or you can simply install it from your hosting, most reputable hosts have one-click installation buttons for getting WordPress running within minutes.
Compare that to the cheapest ad-free plan of Wix, which is $12.50/mo.
A domain name is the address of your website on the internet, something like brightsanddesigns.com. This is what your will users type in their browser’s address bar to view your website.
You cannot run a website without web hosting. It is the space allotted where you can store all your website files.
Think of it as the domain name is your address, and your web hosting is your house.
We recommend using FastComet. They have great support and competitive pricing. We’ve used them for years now, their chat support and freebies are what sold us to use them. No regrets there!
We hope this article answers your question. These are just 4 of the many reasons why it is the solution for anyone wishing to build a website. If someone asks you the same question, just send them our way.
Give it a try, and let us know what you think.
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The Impact of AI-Generated Content on Social Media SEO: A Brave New Frontier
In today's fast-paced digital marketing landscape, we are witnessing the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its influence on content creation. AI-generated content has become increasingly prevalent, especially on social media platforms. As a business owner, I find myself pondering the implications of AI-generated content on social media SEO and its potential impact on my marketing strategies. In this article, let's delve into this fascinating topic and explore how AI-generated content is reshaping social media marketing.
The Rise of AI-Generated Content
AI-generated content is an innovative approach to content creation, where advanced machine learning algorithms analyze vast datasets to produce coherent and contextually relevant content. Social media platforms have quickly embraced this technology to automate content creation, reduce costs, and enhance user experiences. As I navigate the dynamic world of social media marketing, I am intrigued by the potential benefits AI-generated content can bring to my brand.
The Influence on Social Media SEO
One aspect that caught my attention is the potential impact of AI-generated content on keyword optimization. AI algorithms can analyze user behavior, search patterns, and content preferences, leading to the generation of content that aligns better with user queries. This could impact the selection and utilization of relevant keywords in my social media posts to improve search visibility and attract my target audience.
Ensuring Authenticity and User Engagement
While AI-generated content presents exciting opportunities, it is essential to maintain authenticity and human engagement. As I reflect on this, I am reminded of a recent advisory from a prominent AI platform, META, shared on LinkedIn. They emphasized the importance of using AI-generated content while preserving human creativity and authentic storytelling to foster meaningful connections with our audience. As I explore AI-generated content possibilities, I am determined to strike the right balance to ensure a genuine user experience.
Enhancing Personalization
AI-generated content also holds promise for enhancing personalization on social media. By analyzing user data, AI algorithms can deliver tailored content to specific audience segments, creating a more engaging user experience. I believe that personalized content can lead to higher interaction rates, increased shares, and improved social signals, contributing to enhanced SEO rankings for my brand.
Adapting SEO Strategies
As AI-generated content continues to evolve, I understand the need to adapt my social media SEO strategies. By staying updated on the latest AI advancements and incorporating them thoughtfully with authentic storytelling, I can optimize my social media content to achieve higher visibility and better user engagement.
The integration of AI-generated content into social media marketing marks a significant and transformative development. As a business owner, I recognize the potential benefits of AI-generated content while remaining committed to preserving authenticity and user engagement. By embracing AI-generated content responsibly and strategically, I am excited to unlock new opportunities for success in this brave new frontier of social media SEO.
- LinkedIn Advisory from META AI Platform
- The Role of AI in Content Creation, Social Media Today
- AI-Generated Content and Its Impact on SEO, Search Engine Journal
- The Power of Personalization in Social Media Marketing, HubSpot
Winning Hearts and Minds: The Role of Emotional Branding in Your Marketing Plan
Hello there, fellow marketers and business owners! Today, I want to dive into a fascinating aspect of marketing that has the potential to elevate our brands to new heights - emotional branding. In this blog post, I'll be sharing insights into how emotional branding can profoundly impact consumer behavior, build brand loyalty, and foster genuine connections with our target audience.
At Brightsand Designs, we understand the power of emotional branding and its potential to transform businesses. We are dedicated to helping our clients craft compelling brand stories that resonate with their audience on a deep, emotional level. Our team of devoted digital architects specializes in tailoring marketing solutions that incorporate emotional appeal, making your brand stand out in the digital landscape.
Crafting a Compelling Brand Story
One exemplary way to achieve emotional branding is by crafting a compelling brand story. At Brightsand Designs, we collaborate closely with our clients to understand their vision, values, and purpose. By weaving these elements into a captivating narrative, we create a brand story that resonates with your audience, fostering a meaningful connection that lasts.
Understanding Consumer Psychology
To embark on emotional branding, we need to understand the psychology behind consumer behavior. At Brightsand Designs, we conduct in-depth research and analysis to identify the emotions that align with your target audience. By knowing what truly moves your customers, we can create messaging that evokes the right emotions, leading to stronger brand engagement and loyalty.
The Power of Authenticity
Authenticity is another crucial factor in emotional branding, and at Brightsand Designs, we value transparency and genuineness in all our marketing efforts. Our team ensures that your brand's values and promises align with your actions, building trust and credibility among your audience.
Leveraging Content Marketing
Incorporating emotional branding into content marketing is one of our specialties. We understand the power of storytelling and how it can engage your audience emotionally. Through blog posts, videos, and social media content, we bring your brand story to life, leaving a lasting impact on your audience.
The Visual Appeal of Your Brand
Our team of skilled designers knows the visual appeal of your brand matters. At Brightsand Designs, we use aesthetically pleasing designs, color choices, and imagery that evoke specific emotions aligned with your brand identity. From your logo to website design, every visual element is carefully crafted to resonate with your audience.
Consistency Throughout the Customer Journey
At Brightsand Designs, we believe that emotional branding should be an integral part of your entire customer journey. From the first touchpoint to post-purchase interactions, our marketing solutions ensure consistent emotional appeal, creating memorable brand experiences.
In conclusion, emotional branding is a potent and indispensable element of a successful marketing plan. By partnering with Brightsand Designs, you gain access to a team of experts who are passionate about crafting emotional connections between your brand and your audience. Together, we can create authentic brand stories, leverage emotions, and deliver consistent experiences that win the hearts and minds of your customers.
Remember, the best marketing doesn't just sell products; it leaves a lasting impact on people's lives. Embrace the power of emotional branding, and let Brightsand Designs help your brand win hearts and minds!
I hope you found this blog post insightful and inspiring. Let's together embark on a journey of emotional branding and take your marketing efforts to new heights!
Key Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Marketing Agency in the Philippines
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, finding the right marketing agency can be a game-changer for businesses in the Philippines. As the demand for effective online strategies continues to rise, partnering with the right agency can significantly impact a company's growth and success. In this article, we will explore the key factors Philippine businesses should consider when selecting a marketing agency that aligns with their goals and values.
Expertise and Industry Experience
One of the critical factors to assess when choosing a marketing agency in the Philippines is their expertise and industry experience. Look for agencies with a proven track record in delivering successful campaigns for businesses similar to yours. Statistics show that companies that invest in specialized marketing services experience a 51% increase in lead generation (HubSpot).
Tailored Strategies for Local Audiences
Marketing in the Philippines requires a deep understanding of the local market and cultural nuances. Seek agencies that can create tailored strategies to resonate with the Filipino audience. Research indicates that personalized content can drive a 20% increase in sales (Instapage). A marketing agency that can connect with your target audience on a personal level will have a more significant impact on your brand's growth.
Transparency and Communication
Effective communication and transparency are vital in any successful partnership. Look for an agency that values open dialogue and provides regular reports on campaign performance. Businesses that prioritize transparent communication are 50% more likely to have higher customer retention rates (Forbes). A marketing agency that keeps you informed every step of the way ensures that you are actively involved in the marketing process.
Creative and Innovative Approach
In a competitive digital landscape, creativity sets brands apart. Seek agencies that can bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table. According to Adobe, 58% of consumers prefer engaging with creative content rather than text-only content. A marketing agency that can deliver captivating visuals and compelling messages will leave a lasting impression on your audience.
Budget-Friendly Options
Every business has its budget constraints, and finding an agency that offers flexible and cost-effective solutions is essential. Look for agencies that can deliver exceptional results within your budget. A survey by Econsultancy reveals that 40% of businesses find budget limitations a significant challenge in their marketing efforts. A marketing agency that can optimize your budget while driving tangible results is a valuable asset.
Choosing the right marketing agency in the Philippines can be a transformative decision for your business. As you explore your options, remember to consider factors such as expertise, tailored strategies, transparency, creativity, and budget-friendly options. At Brightsand Designs, we take pride in our comprehensive range of digital marketing services, tailored specifically for the Philippine market. With our creative and data-driven approach, we have helped businesses achieve a 65% increase in website traffic and a 40% boost in conversions (Brightsand Designs Case Studies). Our team is dedicated to making your brand stand out and thrive in the digital world. Experience the power of effective marketing with Brightsand Designs and take your Philippine business to new heights.